Many of you recently received an inflammatory letter in your mailbox.
We trust that you realize the Kutztown Area School District does not support pornography.
Don’t let Steve Morris and Brad Myers distract you with non-issues
and slander the reputation of our district.
Here are the facts.
There are educational policies in place today at Kutztown that not only allow anyone to request a formal review of materials they find concerning (Policy 105.1), but also allow parents to opt their own children out of school programs (Policy 109). We strongly support these current policies.
The specific book referenced in the incendiary letter is called Gender Queer. This book has been widely discussed in national politics and was formally reviewed by our school district in January 2022. As a result of that review, a parental permission slip is required for a student to access this book in the high school library.
We agree that this specific book is not for everyone. We will leave it to the parents of older (some even legal adult) children to make that decision for their family. Our opponents want to take that decision away from you.
We question the motives of anyone willing to publicly drag our school’s reputation through the mud. Our voters have rejected their candidacy in past elections and expect they will do the same this year. We know that you don’t want to be represented by individuals fanning the flames of culture wars in our backyard.
We are proud of our school district and proud of our Kutztown community.
We care about our community and look for ways to draw positive attention and recognition to our district. We are serious, sensible candidates with broad support across Republican and Democratic party lines. We have published our candidate platform and are leading positive campaigns focused on real issues. We want to preserve the educational excellence that Kutztown has celebrated for decades and that so many of us have experienced through our own education and the education of our children.
There are two open positions on the ballot for School Director in the Kutztown Borough this year. Thank you for joining us on May 16th as we vote to protect the heart and soul of our community.
Caecilia Holt Candidate for re-election in Kutztown Borough Current KASD School Board Vice President
Laurel Ziegler Candidate for election in Kutztown Borough
The use by candidates Myers and Morris and the KASD Children First PAC of images from the book Gender Queer is copyright infringement and is liable to legal action and fines. The author and publisher will be notified of the particulars.